Wednesday, April 15, 2009

AlterNet - Tea Party Insanity: "Burn The Books!"

More teabagging nonsense.

Now they want to burn the books, you know, the ones in college. Did you know, for instance, that the communists are behind this whole thing, you know, Obama getting elected? Did you know the little box to convert TV to digital is a brainwashing device? Sure is, just part of the conspiracy. Colleges are apparently brain-washing our kids, too, which is why the woman in the video wants to burn the books, "like the evolution crap."
Tea Party Insanity: "Burn The Books!"

Posted by Arthur Delaney, Huffington Post at 10:50 AM on April 15, 2009.

Rabble rousing and conspiracy theories, a fine day for conservatives.

Big bucks are pouring in to the tea party movement. Fox News reports that organizers are making a fortune in merchandise sales -- the online store for the Tax Day Tea Party website has already lodged over $48,000 in sales, according to tea partier Eric Odom.

But the big bucks aren't only in T-shirts with pithy slogans - Fox's Glenn Beck said on his radio show that he plans to attend a $500 dollar-a-plate fundraiser for the tea party movement.

One wonders how much that fundraiser will resemble the scene in this video of a small event organized by the 9-12 Project, in which a man rouses the rabble with a conspiracy-alleging rant.

"In the early 50s our country was infiltrated by the communist party," he says, calling the Obama administration the culmination of that infiltration. "They're doing everything they can to brainwash our public...This thing they're putting on our TVs," he says, presumably referring to digital cable converters, "it's a brainwash unit!"

As his speech winds down, he exhorts his listeners to get their kids "the hell out of college. They're brainwashing 'em!"

The anti-school message resonates with one woman.

"Burn the books!" she yells from off-camera. The surprised camera man asks if she's serious, and which books she'd burn. "The ones in college, the brainwashing books, like the evolution crap."

Watch the video:

Now how the hell is anyone supposed to take these people seriously?

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