Monday, May 22, 2006


Lots to be grateful for today, not least of which is a new effort to spread the gratitude meme. Give it a try for a month and I promise you'll feel the difference.

I'm also grateful that so many people have joined a new pod at Zaadz on integral relationship. There is already a good group of people, so why not stop in and join us.

I'm also grateful for a quiet day at work so that I could blog some, read some, nap some, sit some, and generally not have to earn a living. Quite nice.

And I'm grateful that it was only 90 degrees today. It will be 103 degrees later this week.

What are you grateful for?

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Anonymous said...

I started posting "thanks bes" onmy blog in January of 2005 and have kept a gratitude journal ever since a friend gave me Sarah Van Brethnach's Simple Abundance in 1996. It really does make a difference.

I've also noticed that there are a lot of people in the blogosphere who use their blogs for gratitude posts. It's most definitely a worthwhile meme to spread.

Are you familiar with It's a great site!

william harryman said...


I enjoy your "thanks be" posts. I hadn't seen you rblog when I started doing the gratitude posts, but it's great to know that other are srpeading the joy.

I'll check the site you mentioned. Thanks!


Thanks man, the feeling is mutual my friend. I am grateful to have found you and your blog.
